Magician Phoebe
Oh well, I don't mind being a magician cause I actually like it..Hahaa..:D!!
Jorshun said I am like the Sabrina The Witch..Whoah..I love that also..:D!!
Tee Hee..:)
Tee Hee..:)
Oh ya..I just gonna post some of pic cause my fringe spoil everything..Dammnit..T_T!!=)
Is was a fun day..^^!!
I mean I have a great day with my friends from every classes..^-^!!
But at first I just want to show those picture that I really love so ermmm ya..:D!!Those picture I will try my best to give caption of it..:D..Short term memory..;(
Ermmm..Hahaa..They both like want to dance but I forgot what they doing actually..^^
Whoah..Nicee..:)!!Me with Adila..I do admit she sometimes make me mad and so do I but..Oh well, I guess everything will be ok..^^
Another sweetie from K2..Nabilah..Hehe..^^!!She look gorgeous on that day..I swear..:D
Wai Teng Wai Teng..:D!!The girl I love and adore a lot since the day I call her "buddy" and slowly become "husband"..:)
OMG!!She just look so cute..:D!!Hehee..My look so miang..-.-!
One more picture here..Hehee..:D!!:)..Jia Qian and Zi Huey, my background picture...:P
Me and Vashini..I mean she a really pro emcee..She can be the formal and informal..OMG!!:)
Me with Yen Chieng aka the pretty pretty girl in our Pra-U!! <3 font="font">
Actually I love this picture a lot..:D!!Why??
First got Jacklyn, Daven , Hao Hong and Ka Wey..
Second is I love my pose..:D!!Hehe..*SO WHAT*
Third is cause I really love this picture..TEE HEE!!:)..With Angel Jacklyn and Devil Daven and two normal human..:P
Daven keep on said I am devil so is ok..:D..I am a devil anyway..:D!!hahaa..Right Angel Jacklyn??:D
Opsiee..This group look awesome..:D!!Haha..^^
I love PN YIP!!:)..I mean even sometimes she fierce, she rawss me and so so on but I still love her..Hahaa..:P
With this pretty Shu Yi..Actually I do remember I really like her at first then dislike her then like..OMG~~Hahaa
I think the quotes is correct "You will still like that person even you there is hate/dislike on it"!
I love my classmates..:)
They all are awesome..:D
Even we have fight, argue but everything will be alright..
I love them so so much even I complain a lot.. =-=!!
I love them so so much even I complain a lot.. =-=!!
Me with my beloved DORA!!:)
I remember I said if I bring camera and take pic then she must be inside..:D..Oh..Ya-Qi at there..:P!!Hahaa
I remember I said if I bring camera and take pic then she must be inside..:D..Oh..Ya-Qi at there..:P!!Hahaa
Me with Jenny.. Tee Hee..
Although inside no me but I love this pic..WHY??:D
1st I took this picture..:P!!
2nd all of them is awesome people..I AM SERIOUS!!:P
3rd is like a family pic..:D..Hehee..
4th Marvin said Mun Ying beside him..*settle*!!:P
No comment just is I took..I feel proud..Seeing friend happy lagi proud.:P
With this pretty Xin Xing!!!YIPPIE!!
Me with Adila..Always rawss with her but I still love her..:P..
7 pretty, gorgeous, smart princess..:D
Write at 25-10-2012 by -VoN S@N-