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-Phoebe.S -Sagittarius -Student -Fujoshi -Weirdo -Selfie Princess -BJD Lovers (Yup I do like to see bjd and hope to have one for myself ^^) -I guess that all~~ :')

Monday, July 20, 2015

Chapter 557 ( BOOKFEST 2015)

Thank my dear Ching Hui and Wen Tyng who accompany me to Bookfest..
Cause I keep on want to buy stationary but end up don't know buying what kind of stuff..*STARE*!

Well, since we all went kinda late so is expected go home also late..*pouts*!!

Let start the story~~
So Phoebe went to Tyng's house around 2pm while Tyng's sis and her friend is busy doing they make up for cosplay so Phoebe keep on annoyed Tyng until Hui come to her house and all of them were waiting for Charlie ( Tyng's boyfriend, my boss) to come and fetch them but unfortunately he seem stuck in traffic jam so around 2:30pm, Phoebe thebn decide fetch them all go to the nearby LRT Station..PS: Thank that Phoebe drive to Tyng's house..

Around 4pm only reach to KLCC and well, they dump Tyng's sis and her friend cause they main topic is cosplay while three of them is for shopping..*smirk smile*..The only thing Phoebe's regret is bringing her camera but din't use..*bang wall*!!
So start their journey inside the stationary hall..
Is a good thing that they focus on stationary hall instead of book hall..*yawn*!! 

Three of them having this struggle of buying things..Actually is two of them..*PHOEBE AND HUI*..=......=
But luckily when they buy, the thought of "is it a must" is there so eventually feel worth it..
Phoebe spend around Rm150++ just to buy don't know what things.. ORZ~~:(

So three of them having this short rest and then Tyng offered them sushi she made!! HOW SWEET CAN TYNG BE!! *doki doki*

See Tyng being such an angel.. Why Phoebe always surrounded by so many sweet friends.. Hoho!!

So after having this pre-dinner, they all decided to wait Charlie come over and then only back together..Phoebe then tell Tyng that she drag Hui to Kinokuniya to get something that she want cause Hui wanted to go there at the first place..

Went into the shop and found this book, Phoebe really hope she can buy but everything in chinese..=(
Hopefully in future, she will get both book of herself so she can learn more sewing skills..Tee Hee

TOTORO!! Phoebe's favorites..So creepy smile yet so cute..OMG!! The combination is so perfect..

Show one of the last picture to sum all yesterday event..
Memory Bread.. 
Basically to accompany me when Phoebe have stress study..HAHA!!

Story end here..Tata~

If I can make you happy everyday, I will do it cause your happiness is my priority..
btw, the ballon belong to my dear Hui~~ Love her max..
PS: I look like a hamster..Oh no~!

Write at 20.07.2015 by -VoN S@N-