Rawss..Exam over..I super miss my dear blog wei..^^
So so so??
Let talk about all my exam moment??
First day of exam..
I forgot jor what exam le..=="
So let start with all nice event that happen during JPS Exam..=="
Sure nice??Lol..I don't know..Haha~~
So thank to Joey, I got quite a lot of tips for JPS exam..Meeepp~~
Thank kawan~~^^
So BM I give all my friends tips tips..
O.oo well before BM is account..Rawss..I screw my paper..D=..Buu~~TT
So BM and BI quite screw all my paper...Nah..TT
I just not smart enough..
Than what exam I cheated??=="
Seriously is Moral and Sejarah..Rawss..I can't remember la..TT!!!
So Sejarah cheat was damn fun in class..Lolxx..I mean serious..=="
Keep giving answer to Sarah, Huo Hoa,Preshna..=X
Moral cheat also but Moral have an unhappy moment..
Sivik teacher caught Preshna and Emelia cheat..O.O~~!!!
Haix..Damn unlucky day wei..=="
So cause of that incident..I swear to myself not going cheat for my rest of exam..Wuuu~~!!
Stop with exam...Grrr..No mood to think..
K..I need to play game..Ciaozz..
Love you bloggie..Hehe~~!!
Write at 27.10.2010 by -VoN S@N-