Wearing my yellow colour Form6 uniform..Tee Hee..^^!!
Am I look smart without tying my hair..Hahaa..:P!!
So ya before I post my orientation first day thing I just want to state something..XD!!
I really don't know that you will go mad for what I said..=/
And thx for everytime making me so happy..
Luv ya..:)
Luv ya..:)
So ya..Back to orientation..^^!!
So I woke up my dad quite late and ya I late to school 5 or 10 min but since is just those daftar is ok..:P..
Then later on I saw Jenny, Mei Yee(was shock seeing her actually..Don't know why..@~@), then saw Jacklyn , Jun Kiat and so so on ppl(I will name out later anyways!!)
Then go to canteen and search my Adila..Yay!!Saw her and have a huggie with her..OMG..She is like the only friend from 5SK1 who accompany me to go Form6..Luv her wei..:P!!
Then after that meet up with Suraiya, Gwen Ling and ya Christine also going Form6!!Kinda surprise..Hehe..
So take a ss pic of myself..
Me..XD..Confidence smile..:)!!Spot my name tag..:P
Suraiya and Adila..She also wearing form6 uniform with me..X3
Christine and Gwen Ling..Hehee..Another new buddy of my Form6 life ya..XD!!
Me and Evonne..:D
She told me that tomorrow will be a fun day..So is will be my 2nd day of Orientation ya..:P!!
So later that we got err recess awhile and I took myself of full clothes..Oppsie..My skirt seem long..*hrmm*!!
Am I loooooook smart??XD!!Tee Hee!!
Well then listen to those boring taklimat..OMG..I can go gg already..Oh ya I saw Raveena alone so I ajak her to sit with us..XD..Who the us??Christine, Gwen Ling , Me, Adila , Suraiya and Jun Kiat..=)
Listening to the ceramah just make me go sleep so ya end up I was gg and sleeping..Hahaa..
Me and Raveena chat a lot..Omg..I miss her..Hahaa..:P
She still look like a primary student for me la..:P!!
Take pic with Jenny and Mei Yee..Gosh..I am fat..*bang wall*!!
Me, Adila and Suraiya..^^!!
Me and Suraiya..Omg..She sweet!!!
Adila and her name tag..Tee Hee!!
Junior taking pic with ex Form5 that will become Junior like me..Hahaa!!
I luv this pic I take for Adila..She indeed a sweet girl..^^!!
Me and Jacklyn..PS:She wearing her sis's baju kurung..Haha!!
So ya today the first day orientation..Boring enough..:P..Hope tomorrow will be better since got activity..*blink blink*!!
Write at 08.05.2012 by -VoN S@N-