Among all the lengluis I have..These two also one of it can crazy with it..My two beloved sampat lengluis~~=)
Went to event with them and is super last minute decision..Is like at first all already decide don't want go then don't know how from one said "can go" then other also "can go" and of cause I try my best to tag along too..YAY! <3 b="">3>
So ya, a super last minute outing is deal by less than few hour..
Well, I don't know why I will want to come or because I freaking want to play this game..Yes, I always excited when come to game..XD
Maybe next is I feel I spend my time very less with them after I was busy with my Animangaki Event and why not spend once awhile..=)
Enjoy every memory while I can..Cause is important to me..Tee Hee~
Anyhow I just post those pic I super love..Ok?:D
While waiting our games started, We just wanted to walk to KFC to eat our free chicken..Thx Yuan Jia.. :3
Then Ya-Qi pop out and shock all of us.. Eppsss... ^3^~~!!
Then after eating, we decided to walk around while find Adila's sarung tangan but then get attracted by these few plushie.. The first pic is Voon Yee and Adila love one..They found this "cow" is cute..
Meanwhile I just feel this crocodile is super cute..You see the look..*OwO*!!~~!
After changing clothes so take a selfie..Awww~!XD..I look kinda weird with closing mouth smile but wait..This is not a main point..The main point is I wearing "S" size clothes..X3..I mean is my first time man!!FIRST.. <3 actually="" color="#990000" event="" font="" hor="" lol..="" people="" said="" the="" their="">"S"3>
is a bit like
"M"..=....=..Is ok..I wear S size..
Another shot with my member..:D..Hehee..I love how we three smiling same pose..Tee Hee~!!
Taking pic again..Haha..Voon Yee just notices that we forget to take pic with the brochure and here we go and then Adila take out the puzzle and take pic with me when we start the game..LOL!~X3
Our first destination..Is was my idea to take pic for every station but end up the event themselves also got take..So oh well, save our time..Hahaa..But hey..I like this pic so so much..XD~!!
After struggling so much, we three stay back to the first destination and taking pic with this friendly guy..^^!! Ohoho~~
Although I feel myself useless..Cause my member is sooo pro..And hey, we got no 4th...Feel myself super useless but I enjoy soo much.. <3 ..i="" b="" guys="" love="" much..="" so="" you="">3>
After drinking our drinks, we din't really rest down but finding people to take pic..LOL!..Selfies camwhore princess is here.. LOL..I din't upload so much because got some I never take it out..T3T~!
With leng cai Yuan Jia..Know his existence since last two year..LOL..Know he a friendly ice-skater guy..Haha..^^!!
He nice..:)..And good looking..LOL!~
This one is most funny..Cause when we three were taking with yo-yo guy and few more person..Voon Yee heard one of the emcee said "jelly" then I only blurr and ask what happen and know that we din't jio them to selfie and of cause..XD!!Quickly go there and take pic with them..Hahaa..PS:The black shirt guy look super goodlooking..Ehehe~~!
After that selfie, actually I feel shy..LOL..No la, we just want rest so me, Adila and Voon Yee decided to rest at MCD~!!
Taking pic with the president..She look so cute..YAY!!
With Voon Yee's friend and thank to her..Cause is she invite Voon Yee so Voon Yee invited us.. YAY!
Taking last pic with them and also with the most ish ish guy!!Nah..We enjoyed till the max!~
Voon Yee asked me why I super love the "halo glow light" then I told her "is like an angel..I am angel"..Adila just "..."!~XD
Last pic of the day..Cause I too lazy to upload too much..Want see more..Go FB~=3=..~LOL!~~
Love them..Now my bag full of junkies junk..YAY!
Love them so so much..
Know what?!! I should blog more of event stuff..*epsss*!! >< Currently my whole body is stiff..:(.. Guess this what happen when last Carnival Thursday till Monday I never really have a proper rest..Haha!!
Happy day..(Y)..Enjoy moment..(Y)..Love them much..
PS: Praying my camera will recover..Haven't have time to send camera to hospital..=/!!!~
Write at 09.09.2014 (Event happen at 08.09.2014) by -VoN S@N-