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-Phoebe.S -Sagittarius -Student -Fujoshi -Weirdo -Selfie Princess -BJD Lovers (Yup I do like to see bjd and hope to have one for myself ^^) -I guess that all~~ :')

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Chapter 496 (I wish I could~~)

Selfie combination during CNY..X)
Hahaha..Currently no need take picture since I got lot more picture to slowly post..:3
Btw, I been addicted to this soft song from the movie ARRIETTY(STUDIO GHIBLI)!!
The song giving me the oriental yet classical feeling..:)

Opss..By the way I think certain habits I got here is ermmmm..I actually love phone call..I mean I can really phone call my friend for 1 hour if I am not doing anything..Except watching drama, movie or really doing stuff so ya phone call for me is actually quite normal thing..
Also depend my phone got credit or not..If no then no need think of phone call lo..Tee Hee..

Hrmm..I think is it sometimes I will pause my life awhile and think of lot of stuff..
Ermm..One of the stuff is my current friendship..I been questioning myself..Am I taking Voon Yee like a replacement??..After awhile..I think and confirm is no..=)
What I meant here is :-

  1. Yes I don't admit I treat Voon Yee nice but actually from the beginning of last year I treat a lot people nice mah..Can't you all feel it..T_T!
  2. I still love a lot of my friends..Creating memory with every each is super duper important to me..X3..Big example "TMR I GONNA LUNCH WITH MY BABE"..:3~
  3. I still love my Aisyah in the lenglui gang(Adila named it..They all leng lui je..I not leng lui)..So Aisyah "do you want to be my boyfiee?"..She said she always mine for now..:3~!
  4. And if people asking why I seem going out with them is like mostly cause we only out few hour not whole day..Maybe will plan for whole day like that but need time..Since I can't really out..:D!
  5. Ok yala..I do phone call with Voon Yee yesterday 1 hour..HELLO..I call quite a lot people don't know how many times, to this don't know how many times..Like I said, I got credit, I got mood I call..:D!!^^
  6. That all..When I think of it I type la..I treat mostly everyone equally..Everyone is important to me..:P
And yes I really feel you avoid me wei..So I think we just let everything cool down then will you find me back like last time..Please say will cause I am tired of thinking of negative stuff..I have to do a lot of thing to make myself happy..I just can keep recall how nice you are to me since A to Z..Thank..

Oh ya..Need to keep on commitment with my exercise..I not sure it is really work but well..I not a type of exercise girl and doing the 30min++ of simple aerobic dance hope it help..I really want to cut some of my fats..*pouts*..I want wear pretty shirt, dress and skirt..Really want..And COSPLAY TOO!!><

Write at 08.02.2014 by -VoN S@N-