Even the reality is such a cruel stuff but well..I will still have to face it eventually..*Pouts*..
Thinking positive so at least I must overcome my so called new obstacle
I thought when I said break up mean break up and why you still forcing me to love you another few more month..WHY!!:(
Ok..Since I got one month to face you, so yes I will make sure I love you a lot, need you a lot as well you love me too..Tee Hee..!!
Who the "you"..I will show it in future if I remember to draw..XD!!Wakakaka!
*I got a big nose, imperfect teeth*
Imperfect make me feel unique and weird..*yippie*!..Another way to comfort myself.
Ok so ya..Retaking subject...ARGH!!:(..Haixz..T_T!!
Need to buy revision book..=_=!
Need to start and facing it every sec, every min and ya every hour and thank since I am so freaking free..SO YA MATI FOCUS THESE TWO SUBJECT..Might still finding job to do since I know my craziness of study not everyday!!Tralaalala~!!
Hrmmm..I think sometimes I can be so creepy just listening voice chat..*bluekxz*...
Tomorrow another day with my leng lui~..I must know how to wake up myself man!!:(
Write at 11.02.2014 by -VoN S@N-