I love this pic..One reason is my expression..I not so happy this week but mean while I have to smile..So this pic is like emoing but is cool and smile??Lolxx
Haha..Than why wear pengawas blazer??
Cause yeng lor..
Tee Hee I so fake..
I know I not happy now but still force myself be..Arghh..T.T I want cry la..
I such a cry baby..
Pifff.. I need true friends la....=.=!!! Haixx..
I know one form 6 junior friend..
Haha..His damn friendly just very evil..Piff~~
His name is JIA YONG..Haha..
Hmm..He can trust tak also don't know.. Sigh..
Not really in good mood..Tonight will be the last night I print out account folio..
That all.. Bye~~ Write at 29.09.2010 by -VoN S@N-