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-Phoebe.S -Sagittarius -Student -Fujoshi -Weirdo -Selfie Princess -BJD Lovers (Yup I do like to see bjd and hope to have one for myself ^^) -I guess that all~~ :')

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chapter 320(Ding Dong..=D)

Ookay..Did I mention story time??:D

This time is not about Tomoyo but is Kotoko..;D~!!

Kotoko kotoko..Cute girl but naive..;D
Always think herself doing is so right but please..No people is correct..Right??;D!!
And she know but whatever la..
The question right now is Kotoko got do or no??
She got say the true or not??
Or is it Sakura think too much??
Is it because Yukiko that make Kotoko become like that??
Kotoko, naive but toooooo bad..Haha..
New character..Natsumi..;D!!
Who that..I wonder..;D..Maybe next story will post about Natsumi..Haha..OMG..My blog got story..Arghh..Won't so boring right??Haha~!!

This is gonna be my BLOG story..Maybe more and more character will out..Haha..Arghh..

Ish iishhhh~~I can smile easily when seeing your pic..;D!!But I also jealous..;D!!
Hey..Take is easy..I won't fall in love so easily..I just found out you are so so cute..Haha..

Write at 01.02.2011 by -VoN S@N-