I love this pic if the side can be more nicer..Lol..Arghh..I no mood la..=/..
I think a lot of negative stuff..=/
Ish ish....
I need a lot a lot of patience..Super lot wei..><.. And today got something not so happy..Stupid Jun Kiat..=/ Games.. Haha..Is should be fun and nice but everything went wrong..Haipp..
Can I just get over it..><..
And to May..
Maybe I was freaking damn bu shuang Thiam Seong so I also include you to bu shuang..
Tomorrow I will be okay..=/
If nothing happen..
Sometimes is just so hard to hold a cup without dropping it but is just so easy to break the cup without thinking twice..=/
I freaking love all my friends..Serious..^^..
Oh well, just see they want trust me or not..=/
Gah..I hope I won't so fast fall in love..Haha..:D~~!!
I just love having friends..;D
Write at 01.03.2011 by -VoN S@N-