Kevin tell me go for do something..Haha..:D
Ookay..So go school bring cameraa and play~~!!Ookayy~~
So during PJ..We do some camwhore at 5SK2..Photo I lazy to post la..Too many..Haha..I am indeed lazy girl..^^~~!!
Then then then..
I play around at 5SK1 and 5SK2~~!!I am so tired..T.T
How much I wish is the time to go back but is recess..Meeeppps~~!!
Arghh..Recess can't go with Ying,May and Chin Yee..Buuu~~
Like I mention..I got thing to do..Haha..So Kevin take Pei Li away from Koperasi and I blurring playing around..Haha..><..
Gosh~~Without wasting time..I go search for them and ask Alan where them..Haha
Alan told me he know but he can't tell me so I say I helping them taking picture..
Kevin ask me to take photo..Lolxx~~!!
So Alan told me where are they..Thank you..
So I went there and found out already but still feel paiseh to go near them so I let them have sweet time while I camwhoring myself and helping Krisna to take pic...(Ok..I don't know how to spell her name..=.=)~!!
Than when I want to go there..I saw Kevin's SN class friends and is like telling me "Don't go..=.="
So I wait and wait until bell ring~~
Until I know Pei Li and Kevin is waiting for me..Ops!!Sorry..
So I helping them to take pic..Whoah..I took a lot but aiyo..Feel super pai seh at there..Arghh..
Than Kevin tease me something.."Von San, when you want to find one?"..
I just reply "I got Yi Hui..No need other person..;D"
Kevin say "Yi Hui one day sure don't want you.."..Pei Li, Kevin and Me laugh..
I say "Hurt le!!!"..
Okok..I just know I am tired..;D
So I skip the conclusion for why I answer that..:D
Thank Kai Ma take me go eat..I love her..^^~!!
Write at 07.02.2011 by -VoN S@N-